[. . . ] DellTM InspironTM 1000 Owner's Manual Model PP08S w w w. c o m Notes, Notices, and Cautions NOTE: A NOTE indicates important information that helps you make better use of your computer. NOTICE: A NOTICE indicates either potential damage to hardware or loss of data and tells you how to avoid the problem. CAUTION: A CAUTION indicates a potential for property damage, personal injury, or death. Abbreviations and Acronyms For a complete list of abbreviations and acronyms, see the Dell Inspiron Help file. If you purchased a DellTM n Series computer, any references in this document to Microsoft® Windows® operating systems are not applicable. ____________________ Information in this document is subject to change without notice. [. . . ] This test typically takes 10 to 20 minutes and requires no interaction on your part. Run Express Test first to increase the possibility of tracing the problem quickly. Solving Problems 43 www. dell. com | support. dell. com Option Extended Test Function Performs a thorough check of devices. This test typically takes an hour or more and requires you to answer questions periodically. Lists the most common symptoms encountered and allows you to select a test based on the symptom of the problem you are having. Custom Test Symptom Tree 2 If a problem is encountered during a test, a message appears with an error code and a description of the problem. Write down the error code and problem description and follow the instructions on the screen. If you cannot resolve the error condition, contact Dell (see page 92). NOTE: The Service Tag for your computer is located at the top of each test screen. 3 If you run a test from the Custom Test or Symptom Tree option, click the applicable tab described in the following table for more information. Tab Results Errors Help Configuration Function Displays the results of the test and any error conditions encountered. Displays error conditions encountered, error codes, and the problem description. Describes the test and may indicate requirements for running the test. The Dell Diagnostics obtains configuration information for all devices from system setup, memory, and various internal tests, and it displays the information in the device list in the left pane of the screen. The device list may not display the names of all the components installed on your computer or all devices attached to your computer. Parameters Allows you to customize the test by changing the test settings. 4 When the tests are complete, close the test screen to return to the Main Menu screen. To exit the Dell Diagnostics and restart the computer, close the Main Menu screen. 44 Solving Problems Drive Problems CAUTION: Before you begin any of the procedures in this section, follow the safety instructions in the Product Information Guide. EN S U R E T H A T M I C R O S O F T ® W I N D O W S ® R E C O G N I Z E S T H E D R I V E -- Click the Start button and click My Computer. If the floppy, CD, or DVD drive is not listed, perform a full scan with your antivirus software to check for and remove viruses. TEST T H E D R I V E -- · Insert another floppy disk, CD, or DVD to eliminate the possibility that the original one is defective. C L E A N T H E D R I V E O R D I S K -- See "Cleaning Your Computer" in the Dell Inspiron Help file for instructions. EN S U R E T H A T T H E C D I S S N A P P E D O N T O T H E S P I N D L E CHECK THE CABLE CONNECTIONS C H E C K F O R H A R D W A R E I N C O M P A T I B I L I T I E S -- See page 62. R U N T H E DELL D I A G N O S T I C S -- See page 43. CD and DVD drive problems NOTE: High-speed CD or DVD drive vibration is normal and may cause noise, which does not indicate a defect in the drive or the CD or DVD. NOTE: Because of different regions worldwide and different disc formats, not all DVD titles work in all DVD drives. Solving Problems 45 www. dell. com | support. dell. com If you there is no audio ADJUST THE WINDOWS VOLUME CONTROL -- · Click the speaker icon in the lower-right corner of your screen. · Ensure that the volume is turned up by clicking the slidebar and dragging it up. · Ensure that the sound is not muted by clicking any boxes that are checked. [. . . ] Use of this copyright protection technology must be authorized by Macrovision Corporation, and is intended for home and other limited viewing uses only unless otherwise authorized by Macrovision Corporation. Reverse engineering or disassembly is prohibited. FCC Notices (U. S. Only) Most Dell computers are classified by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) as Class B digital devices. To determine which classification applies to your computer, examine all FCC registration labels located on the bottom, side, or back panel of your computer, on card-mounting brackets, and on the cards themselves. [. . . ]